Royalty-free stock footage for video creators

 Royalty-free stock footage, music, templates for video creators

Use for every project

whether you’re a freelancer, design agency or corporate. 

Everything that’s digital and creative, from stock video, video templates, background music to everything else a video creator will need.

Explore something new

Create that one-of-a-kind video with our diverse and wide variety of content.

Over 15 million content

One-stop for creatives to get more creative - there’s something for every type of project here.

Fresh uploads daily

Spark your imagination with new and trending content by our global contributors every day.

AI VisualSearch & AudioSearch

Discover more relevant footage and music tracks faster.

What Does Royalty-Free Mean ?

Royalty-free describes intellectual property that can be used without having to pay royalties. Once a one-time fee is paid for a royalty-free license, the buyer is free to use it without having to pay recurring fees to the intellectual property owner.

While a royalty-free license gives a person the right to use it, the intellectual property still belongs to the original owner. Anyone who buys a royalty-free license is entitled to use the same content. In other words, royalty-free content is not exclusive.

However, there are many perks of using royalty-free content. A buyer does not need to attribute the owner and each content can be used as many times as desired in as many projects as possible.

What Is MotionElements and How To Download the Contents?

MotionElements® is a global one-stop royalty-free stock content marketplace catering specially to the needs of the video creator - making available for download all media types such as stock footage, animations, video templates, images (photos / illustrations and vectors), 3d, stock music and sfx. Top video, template and music contributors from around the world upload fresh and trending content daily.

Enjoy recurring income with your creations

You can focus on creating original content while we showcase your creativity to the world.

Optimize Your Earnings

Sales dashboard

Keep track of your earnings and tweak your pricing and content strategy to maximize your income.

Receive regular payouts

Earnings are disbursed monthly via PayPal and Payoneer

Free Ai video Script Writer
AI scriptwriting service is the game-changer you've been waiting for if you create captivating screenplays for your movie, film, documentary, TV advertisement, YouTube video, or animation projects.

Our free AI-powered solution uses more than 15 million stock content expertly curated to fit various genres and screenplays. From breathtaking footage to compelling background music and stunning video effects templates, our AI Script Writer seamlessly integrates stock content into your scripts, elevating them to new heights. With advanced algorithms at its core, our service allows you to select the desired voice and tone for the script, ensuring your video resonates with your target audience.

What is Video Ai Script Generator?

The Video Script AI Generator is a tool powered by Chat GPT that helps you create detailed professional video scripts with suggested stock footage, music, and effects in a few seconds.

Using a Video Script AI Generator saves you a lot of time and provides valuable assistance during the brainstorming process while creating scripts for your clients. Moreover, it provides you with different script alternatives so you can find the most impressive one.

Just enter your video requirements, choose the tone of voice you want, and specify the video duration you want to create. Click the "Generate" button to get your video script with suggested stock content.

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